Making Cybersecurity Training and Awareness an Organizational Priority
Business Continuity

Making Cybersecurity Training and Awareness an Organizational Priority

Prioritizing Cybersecurity Awareness and Training: Overcoming Barriers for Effective Organizational Security

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In today’s fast-paced world, organizations face numerous priorities and obligations that often overshadow the importance of cybersecurity awareness and training. However, neglecting this crucial aspect can severely affect achieving goals and performing work effectively. In this blog post, we will explore the barriers that hinder a robust cybersecurity program within organizations and discuss strategies to overcome them.

Barriers to Cybersecurity Programs:

Resistance to change:

Understanding why people are resistant to change is essential in addressing this barrier. Humans are creatures of habit, often struggling to incorporate new practices into their routines, even if they are beneficial. For example, implementing strong authentication methods may require employees to develop new habits, such as using longer and more complex passwords. To overcome this resistance, it is crucial to communicate the benefits of stronger authentication practices, such as reducing expensive breaches and potentially increasing salaries. Additionally, implementing methods like two-factor authentication can make it easier for employees to adapt to the change.

Lack of time:

Time is a precious resource, and getting employees to dedicate time to cybersecurity training can be challenging. Often, there is a perception that training is not immediately beneficial to individuals and that other tasks take precedence. Overcoming this barrier requires a top-down approach, starting with the CEO or owner of the company. Leaders must understand and support the importance of training, emphasizing its long-term benefits. By securing management’s commitment, employees are more likely to prioritize and invest time in cybersecurity training.

Financial constraints:

Securing financial resources for cybersecurity training can be a significant challenge, as organizations require tangible investment returns. Demonstrating the return on investment (ROI) for cybersecurity training is crucial. Here are some ways to prove its value:

  • Training for awareness reduces the risk of breaches caused by employees’ lack of knowledge, such as leaving workstations unattended and logged in.
  • Awareness training empowers employees to recognize and thwart attempts to gather information through phishing emails or physical access to facilities.
  • Effective training improves the organization’s defenses, preventing attacks from penetrating systems and reducing potential financial losses.

Lack of advocacy:

A successful training program requires advocates who can champion its cause and demonstrate its benefits. While one advocate can make a difference, a group of passionate individuals is even more effective. A diverse group brings multiple perspectives and ideas, making it harder to dismiss the importance of cybersecurity training. Look for outgoing and change-oriented individuals in managerial, supervisory, cybersecurity, and leadership roles to spearhead advocacy efforts.

Impact and Implementation:

A strong cybersecurity awareness and training program lays the foundation for protecting an organization’s data and IT assets. However, monitoring the program’s effectiveness and ensuring it receives the necessary attention is crucial. Appointing a dedicated training manager can help oversee the program’s implementation, track its progress, and make necessary improvements.

Northstarr Recommendations:

To improve your organization’s cybersecurity awareness and training program, consider the following steps:

  • Assess the current state: Assign someone to evaluate the existing training initiatives and gauge their effectiveness. This assessment will provide insights into areas for improvement.
  • Emphasize the benefits: Highlight the financial and security advantages derived from the training program. Showcase how it mitigates risks, reduces potential breaches, and enhances the organization’s overall security posture.
  • Secure advocacy: Identify influential individuals who have the power to speak authoritatively on cybersecurity matters. Encourage them to advocate for cybersecurity awareness and training to decision-makers.


Overcoming the barriers to cybersecurity awareness and training is crucial for building a secure organization. By addressing resistance to change, allocating time and resources, securing financial support, and establishing strong advocates, organizations can create an environment where cybersecurity awareness and training are prioritized.

To find out more about how we can help, visit our website or give us a call at (888) 767-2210 to set up an appointment.  We look forward to meeting with you! 

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