Advanced Cyber Event Shield (ACES)

Among the biggest threats to your business are attacks on computer systems. Attackers continue to target businesses because they possess valuable data. The dangers from attacks can result in:Loss of data (data is destroyed or made unavailable)

  • — The theft of data (The information is stolen and sold by criminals)
    • — Data Ransom Events (Data is encrypted, and the criminal demands a ransom to recover it)
    • — Exposure to regulatory action for breaches of privacy and security regulations
    • — Hackers may use your computer to attack other systems.

Attackers gain unauthorized access to your computer network typically by introducing small programs called malware. Malware can allow them to view, copy, delete and manipulate data. Attackers can disable your computers, steal your passwords and encrypt your files. Malware can come through many vectors, including; email, website visits, outside contractors, disgruntled employees, and compromised mobile devices.

Case Studies:

You can review these two case studies about how companies unprepared to prevent or deal with cybersecurity issues went out of business when hackers hit them with malware.

Brookside ENT

Wood Ranch Medical

Anti-virus software Alone is Not Enough

Anti-virus is only a small part of protecting your computers. An effective cybersecurity platform must provide a layered approach to protecting your business. Most importantly, those layers need to block threats before they get to your system. Anti-virus typically won’t detect a problem until it’s already on your computer. Often attackers use tools and techniques that anti-virus applications cannot see.

Introducing ACES

Advanced Cyber Event Shield (ACES) secures your business computer system with multiple layers of protection against unauthorized access and malware. We provide enterprise-level protection from security breaches and data loss at an affordable price point. Our platform increases employee productivity, secures your business against potential losses, and keeps your data safe.

ACES creates barriers that prevent hackers from accessing your computers. Our multi-layer defense strategy includes measures to neutralize attacks. We monitor your network traffic and proactively block threats long before they get on your computer. We also understand that your employees are not security experts, so we provide training to promote effective cybersecurity behavior.  

There are some problems that anti-virus software can’t detect, called zero-day malware. ACES uses state-of-the-art software to analyze the applications on your computer and learns what it should and should not do. When an attacker introduces malware on your computer, our software will detect that and block it even zero-day malware.

We place multiple layers of security between you and the attacker, but no system can prevent all attacks. Part of our multi-layer approach is to prepare your computers so you can recover quickly from a cyber event. If disaster strikes, we will quickly help you get your company back to regular operations.

Learn more about how we can help protect your business from cybercriminals.